Fire 6 shots towards the farthest enemy that deal 73/109/183 () physical damage to the first enemy they hit.
Combat Start: Enforcers gain Shield and Damage Amp. The highest Health enemy units become <i>WANTED!</i> When a Wanted enemy dies, Enforcers gain 30% Attack Speed.
(2) 1 unit; 12% , 12% %i:scaleDA%
(4) 2 units; 22% , 20% %i:scaleDA%
(6) 4 units; 33% , 33% %i:scaleDA%
(8) 5 units; 40% , 40% %i:scaleDA%
(10) ALL enemies; 100% , 150% %i:scaleDA%; Combat Start: Confiscate all enemy items!
Snipers gain Damage Amp and deal more damage to targets farther away.
(2) 10% %i:scaleDA%; 5% damage per hex
(4) 40% %i:scaleDA%; 10% damage per hex
(6) 80% %i:scaleDA%; 20% damage per hex; Snipers gain +5 Attack Range