3 Champions
Start with 3 random 1-cost champions.
3-Cost Champion
Start with a random 3-cost champion.
Anvil Buffet
All items drop as component anvils.
Artifact Anvil
Start with 1 Artifact anvil. Artifacts are powerful items that offer unique effects.
Ascending Augments
Augments this game will be silver, gold, then prismatic tier.
Champion Conference
Every stage, gain a champion that fits your team.
Champion Delivery
Twice per stage, gain a high cost champion. The value goes up with game time.
Champion Duplicator
Start the game with a Champion Duplicator.
Completed Anvil
Start with 1 completed item anvil.
Component Anvils
Start with 2 component anvils.
Crab Rave
Dancing crabs replace monsters and drop bonus loot, but crabs on Stage 5+ are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.
Gold Opener
Start with 7 more gold.
Gold Subscription
Every stage, gain a random amount of gold. All players gain the same amount.
Golden Finale
The last augment offered this game will be gold tier.
Golden Gala
All augments offered this game will be gold tier.
Golden Prelude
The first augment offered this game will be gold tier.
Larger Legends
Start with 115 player health.
Lethal Legends
Deal +1 damage to the enemy after winning combat.
Loot Subscription
Every stage, gain random loot from a highly varied pool.
No portal this game.
There is no portal effect this game.
Pot of Gold
At stage 6-1, all living players split a pot of 250 gold.
Prismatic Finale
The last augment offered this game will be prismatic tier.
Prismatic Party
All augments offered this game will be prismatic tier.
Prismatic Prelude
The first augment offered this game will be prismatic tier.
Radiant Blessing
At 40 player health, receive a blessing that contains powerful loot.
Radiant Item
On stage 3-7, gain a Magnetic Remover and select 1 of 5 Radiant items (very powerful versions of completed items).
Scuttle Puddle
Monsters are replaced by crabs that drop bonus loot.
Start with a Spatula.
Support Anvil
Start with 1 Support item anvil.
Tactician's Crown
Start with a Tactician's Crown (gain +1 team size).
Trainer Sentinels
Start with a Sentinel with 3 permanently attached emblems.
Upgraded Champion
Start with a 2-star 1-cost champion.
Vendor Sentinels
Start with a Sentinel with 2 permanently attached Support items.