Set 13 Info


+55% Attack Damage
B.F. Sword
B.F. Sword
Perfect peace and calm for the holder - and all who face it.
Giant Slayer
Giant Slayer
+25% Attack Damage
+10 Attack Speed
+25% Ability Power
B.F. Sword
Recurve Bow
Gain 20% additional Damage Amp against enemies with more than 1750 max Health.
Hextech Gunblade
Hextech Gunblade
+20% Attack Damage
+20% Ability Power
B.F. Sword
Needlessly Large Rod
Heal the lowest percent Health ally for 25% of damage dealt.
Spear of Shojin
Spear of Shojin
+15% Attack Damage
+15% Ability Power
+15 Mana
B.F. Sword
Tear of the Goddess
Attacks grant 5 bonus Mana.
Edge of Night
Edge of Night
+10% Attack Damage
+20 Armor
B.F. Sword
Chain Vest
Once per combat: At 60% Health, briefly become untargetable and shed negative effects. Then, gain 15% bonus Attack Speed.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
+15% Attack Damage
+15% Ability Power
+20 Magic Resist
B.F. Sword
Negatron Cloak
Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 25% max Health Shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.
Sterak's Gage
Sterak's Gage
+15% Attack Damage
+150 Health
B.F. Sword
Giant's Belt
Once per combat at 60% Health, gain 25% max Health and 35% Attack Damage.
Infinity Edge
Infinity Edge
+35% Attack Damage
+35% Critical Strike Chance
B.F. Sword
Sparring Gloves
Abilities can critically strike.
If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.
Red Buff
Red Buff
+35 Attack Speed
Recurve Bow
Recurve Bow
Attacks and Abilities 1% Burn and 33% Wound enemies for 5 seconds.
Burn: Deals a percent of the target's max Health as true damage every second
Wound: Reduces healing received
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Guinsoo's Rageblade
+10 Attack Speed
+10% Ability Power
Recurve Bow
Needlessly Large Rod
Attacks grant 5% stacking Attack Speed.
Statikk Shiv
Statikk Shiv
+15 Attack Speed
+15% Ability Power
+15 Mana
Recurve Bow
Tear of the Goddess
Every 3rd attack deals 35 magic damage and 30% Shreds 4 enemies for 5 seconds.
Shred: Reduce Magic Resist
Titan's Resolve
Titan's Resolve
+10 Attack Speed
+20 Armor
Recurve Bow
Chain Vest
Gain 2% Attack Damage and 2 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times.
At full stacks, gain 20 Armor and 20 Magic Resist.
Runaan's Hurricane
Runaan's Hurricane
+25% Attack Damage
+10 Attack Speed
+20 Magic Resist
Recurve Bow
Negatron Cloak
Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing 60% Attack Damage Attack speed as physical damage.
Nashor's Tooth
Nashor's Tooth
+10 Attack Speed
+10% Ability Power
+150 Health
Recurve Bow
Giant's Belt
After casting an Ability, gain 60% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.
Last Whisper
Last Whisper
+15% Attack Damage
+20 Attack Speed
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Recurve Bow
Sparring Gloves
Physical damage 30% Sunders the target for 3 seconds. This effect does not stack.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Sunder: Reduce Armor
Rabadon's Deathcap
Rabadon's Deathcap
+50% Ability Power
Needlessly Large Rod
Needlessly Large Rod
This humble hat can help you make, or unmake, the world itself.
Archangel's Staff
Archangel's Staff
+20% Ability Power
+15 Mana
Needlessly Large Rod
Tear of the Goddess
Combat start: Gain 30 Ability Power every 5 seconds in combat.
+20% Ability Power
+20 Armor
+100 Health
Needlessly Large Rod
Chain Vest
Combat start: Gain a 25% max Health Shield for 8 seconds.
When the shield expires, gain 25 Ability Power.
Ionic Spark
Ionic Spark
+15% Ability Power
+25 Magic Resist
+150 Health
Needlessly Large Rod
Negatron Cloak
30% Shred enemies within 2 hexes. When enemies cast an Ability, deal magic damage equal to 160% of the Mana spent.
Shred: Reduce Magic Resist
+10 Attack Speed
+25% Ability Power
+150 Health
Needlessly Large Rod
Giant's Belt
Attacks and Abilities deal 1% Burn and 33% Wound to enemies for 10 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Burn: Deals a percent of the target's max Health as true damage every second
Wound: Reduces healing received
Jeweled Gauntlet
Jeweled Gauntlet
+35% Ability Power
+35% Critical Strike Chance
Needlessly Large Rod
Sparring Gloves
Abilities can critically strike.
If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.
Blue Buff
Blue Buff
+15% Attack Damage
+15% Ability Power
+30 Mana
Tear of the Goddess
Tear of the Goddess
Gain 10 Mana after casting.
When the holder gets a takedown, they deal 5% more damage for 8 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Protector's Vow
Protector's Vow
+30 Mana
+20 Armor
Tear of the Goddess
Chain Vest
Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 25% max Health Shield that lasts 5 seconds and gain 20 Armor and 20 Magic Resist.
Adaptive Helm
Adaptive Helm
+10% Ability Power
+15 Mana
+20 Magic Resist
Tear of the Goddess
Negatron Cloak
Combat start: Gain different bonuses based on starting position.
Front Two Rows: 40 Armor and Magic Resist. Gain 1 Mana when struck by an attack.
Back Two Rows: 15 Ability Power. Gain 10 Mana every 3 seconds.
+15 Mana
+150 Health
Tear of the Goddess
Giant's Belt
Heal allies within 1 hex for 15% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. They also gain 10% Durability for 5 seconds (this does not stack).
Hand Of Justice
Hand Of Justice
+15 Mana
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Tear of the Goddess
Sparring Gloves
Gain 2 effects:
15% Attack Damage and 15 Ability Power.
12% Omnivamp.
While above 50% health, double the Attack Damage and Ability Power. While below 50% Health, double the Omnivamp.
Bramble Vest
Bramble Vest
+65 Armor
Chain Vest
Chain Vest
Gain 7% max health.
Take 8% reduced damage from attacks. When struck by any attack, deal 100 magic damage to all adjacent enemies.
Cooldown: 2 seconds
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Gargoyle Stoneplate
+25 Armor
+25 Magic Resist
+100 Health
Chain Vest
Negatron Cloak
Gain 10 Armor and 10 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder.
Sunfire Cape
Sunfire Cape
+20 Armor
+150 Health
Chain Vest
Giant's Belt
Gain 8% max Health.
Every 2 seconds, deal 1% Burn and 33% Wound to an enemy within 2 hexes for 10 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Burn: Deals a percent of the target's max Health as true damage every second
Wound: Reduces healing received
Steadfast Heart
Steadfast Heart
+20 Armor
+200 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Chain Vest
Sparring Gloves
Gain 8% Durability. While above 50% Health, instead gain 15% Durability.
Dragon's Claw
Dragon's Claw
+75 Magic Resist
Negatron Cloak
Negatron Cloak
Gain 9% max health.
Every 2 seconds, heal 2.5% max Health.
+20 Magic Resist
+150 Health
Negatron Cloak
Giant's Belt
30% Sunder enemies within 2 hexes. Gain 25 Armor and Magic Resist for the first 15 seconds of combat.
Sunder: Reduce Armor
+30 Attack Speed
+20 Magic Resist
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Negatron Cloak
Sparring Gloves
Combat start: Gain immunity to crowd control for 18 seconds. During this time, gain 3% Attack Speed every 2 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Warmog's Armor
Warmog's Armor
+600 Health
Giant's Belt
Giant's Belt
Gain 12% max health.
+20 Attack Speed
+10% Ability Power
+150 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Giant's Belt
Sparring Gloves
After damaging a Shield, gain 15% additional Damage Amp for 3 seconds.
Thief's Gloves
Thief's Gloves
+150 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Sparring Gloves
Sparring Gloves
Each round: Equip 2 random items.
[Consumes 3 item slots.]
Tactician's Crown
Tactician's Crown
Your team gains +1 max team size.
10% chance to drop 1 gold when you win combat.
"...the Heart of a hero..."
Tactician's Cape
Tactician's Cape
Frying Pan
Your team gains +1 max team size.
10% chance to drop 1 gold after 10 seconds of combat.
"...and a bit of Luck."
Tactician's Shield
Tactician's Shield
Frying Pan
Frying Pan
Your team gains +1 max team size.
10% chance to drop 1 gold when the holder dies.
"Imbued with a Philosopher's wisdom..."


Conqueror Emblem
Conqueror Emblem
+10% Attack Damage
B.F. Sword
The holder gains the Conqueror trait.
Rebel Emblem
Rebel Emblem
+10 Attack Speed
Recurve Bow
The holder gains the Rebel trait.
Black Rose Emblem
Black Rose Emblem
+10% Ability Power
Needlessly Large Rod
The holder gains the Black Rose trait.
Family Emblem
Family Emblem
+15 Mana
Tear of the Goddess
The holder gains the Family trait.
Enforcer Emblem
Enforcer Emblem
+20 Armor
Chain Vest
The holder gains the Enforcer trait.
Automata Emblem
Automata Emblem
+20 Magic Resist
Negatron Cloak
The holder gains the Automata trait.
Experiment Emblem
Experiment Emblem
+150 Health
Giant's Belt
The holder gains the Experiment trait.
ules>Experiment Bonus: After 8 seconds or on death, summon a copy of t60% max Health.</spellActive>
Firelight Emblem
Firelight Emblem
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Sparring Gloves
The holder gains the Firelight trait.
Academy Emblem
Academy Emblem
+150 Health
The holder gains the Academy trait. This item is always considered to be sponsored.
Ambusher Emblem
Ambusher Emblem
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Frying Pan
Sparring Gloves
The holder gains the Ambusher trait.
Artillerist Emblem
Artillerist Emblem
+10% Attack Damage
B.F. Sword
Frying Pan
The holder gains the Artillerist trait.
Bruiser Emblem
Bruiser Emblem
+150 Health
Frying Pan
Giant's Belt
The holder gains the Bruiser trait.
Dominator Emblem
Dominator Emblem
+150 Health
The holder gains the Dominator trait.
Pit Fighter Emblem
Pit Fighter Emblem
+20 Magic Resist
Frying Pan
Negatron Cloak
The holder gains the Pit Fighter trait.
Quickstriker Emblem
Quickstriker Emblem
+10 Attack Speed
Frying Pan
Recurve Bow
The holder gains the Quickstriker trait.
Scrap Emblem
Scrap Emblem
+150 Health
The holder gains the Scrap trait.
Sentinel Emblem
Sentinel Emblem
+20 Armor
Frying Pan
Chain Vest
The holder gains the Sentinel trait.
Sniper Emblem
Sniper Emblem
+150 Health
The holder gains the Sniper trait and +2 range.
Sorcerer Emblem
Sorcerer Emblem
+10% Ability Power
Frying Pan
Needlessly Large Rod
The holder gains the Sorcerer trait.
Visionary Emblem
Visionary Emblem
+15 Mana
Frying Pan
Tear of the Goddess
The holder gains the Visionary trait.
Watcher Emblem
Watcher Emblem
+150 Health
The holder gains the Watcher trait.


+15 Mana
+400 Health
Heal allies within 2 hexes for 25% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. They also gain 10% Durability for 5 seconds (this does not stack).
Blessed Bloodthirster
Blessed Bloodthirster
+40% Attack Damage
+40% Ability Power
+20 Magic Resist
Once per combat: At 40% Health, gain a 40% max Health Shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.
Blue Blessing
Blue Blessing
+60% Attack Damage
+60% Ability Power
+30 Mana
Gain 10 Mana after casting.
When the holder gets a takedown, they deal 20% more damage for 12 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Brink of Dawn
Brink of Dawn
+30% Attack Damage
+30 Armor
Once per combat: At 60% Health, briefly become untargetable and shed negative effects. Then, heal 100% missing health and gain 85% bonus Attack Speed.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Bulwark's Oath
Bulwark's Oath
+30 Mana
+40 Armor
Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 50% max Health Shield that lasts 10 seconds and gain 60 Armor and 60 Magic Resist.
Covalent Spark
Covalent Spark
+15% Ability Power
+40 Magic Resist
+200 Health
30% Shred enemies within 3 hexes. When enemies cast an Ability, deal magic damage equal to 200% of the Mana spent..
Also, heal 1.5% max Health per second.
[Direct damage item]
Shred: Reduce Magic Resist
Crest of Cinders
Crest of Cinders
+60 Attack Speed
Attacks and Abilities 2% Burn and 33% Wound enemies for 5 seconds.
Burn: Deals a percent of the target's max Health as true damage every second
Wound: Reduces healing received
+50% Attack Damage
+10 Attack Speed
+50% Ability Power
Gain 30% additional Damage Amp against enemies with more than 1750 max Health.
Dragon's Will
Dragon's Will
+115 Magic Resist
Gain 15% max health.
Every 2 seconds, heal 10% max Health.
Dvarapala Stoneplate
Dvarapala Stoneplate
+50 Armor
+50 Magic Resist
+250 Health
Gain 15 Armor and 15 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder.
Also, heal 1.5% max Health each second.
+30 Magic Resist
+500 Health
30% Sunder enemies within 3 hexes. Gain 70 Armor and Magic Resist for the first 20 seconds of combat.
Sunder: Reduce Armor
Eternal Whisper
Eternal Whisper
+45% Attack Damage
+25 Attack Speed
+55% Critical Strike Chance
Physical damage 30% Sunders the target for the rest of combat. This effect does not stack.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Sunder: Reduce Armor
Fist of Fairness
Fist of Fairness
+15 Mana
+40% Critical Strike Chance
Gain 2 effects:
35% Attack Damage and 35 Ability Power.
20% Omnivamp.
While above 50% health, double the Attack Damage and Ability Power. While below 50% Health, double the Omnivamp.
Glamorous Gauntlet
Glamorous Gauntlet
+70% Ability Power
+75% Critical Strike Chance
Abilities can critically strike.
If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.
Guinsoo's Reckoning
Guinsoo's Reckoning
+20 Attack Speed
+10% Ability Power
Attacks grant 10% stacking Attack Speed.
Hextech Lifeblade
Hextech Lifeblade
+40% Attack Damage
+40% Ability Power
Heal the lowest percent Health ally for 40% of damage dealt.
Jak'sho the Protean
Jak'sho the Protean
+25% Ability Power
+15 Mana
+30 Magic Resist
Combat start: Gain different bonuses based on starting position.
Front Two Rows: 60 Armor and Magic Resist. Gain 2 Mana when struck by an attack.
Back Two Rows: 40 Ability Power. Gain 20 Mana every 3 seconds.
Legacy of the Colossus
Legacy of the Colossus
+40 Armor
+500 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Gain 16% durability. While above 40% Health, instead gain 30% Durability.
Luminous Deathblade
Luminous Deathblade
+105% Attack Damage
It glows in the presence of enemies. Or friends. Or anything alive, really.
More More-ellonomicon
More More-ellonomicon
+25 Attack Speed
+50% Ability Power
+150 Health
Attacks and Abilities deal 2% Burn and 33% Wound to enemies for 30 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Burn: Deals a percent of the target's max Health as true damage every second
Wound: Reduces healing received
+50 Attack Speed
+30 Magic Resist
+40% Critical Strike Chance
Combat start: Gain immunity to crowd control for 45 seconds. For 18 seconds, gain 7% Attack Speed every 2 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Rabadon's Ascended Deathcap
Rabadon's Ascended Deathcap
+80% Ability Power
It's witnessed - and unleashed - miracles and calamities both.
Rascal's Gloves
Rascal's Gloves
+150 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Each round: Equip 2 random Radiant items.
[Consumes 3 item slots.]
Rosethorn Vest
Rosethorn Vest
+100 Armor
Gain 15% max health.
Take 25% reduced damage from attacks. When struck by any attack, deal 175 magic damage to all adjacent enemies.
Cooldown: 2 seconds
Royal Crownshield
Royal Crownshield
+40% Ability Power
+40 Armor
+200 Health
Combat start: Gain a 50% max Health Shield for 8 seconds.
When the shield expires, gain 50 Ability Power.
Runaan's Tempest
Runaan's Tempest
+50% Attack Damage
+20 Attack Speed
+20 Magic Resist
Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing 110% Attack Damage Attack speed as physical damage.
Spear of Hirana
Spear of Hirana
+35% Attack Damage
+35% Ability Power
+20 Mana
Attacks grant 10 bonus Mana.
Statikk's Favor
Statikk's Favor
+20 Attack Speed
+50% Ability Power
+15 Mana
Every 3rd attack deals 95 magic damage and 30% Shreds 8 enemies for 5 seconds.
Shred: Reduce Magic Resist
Sterak's Megashield
Sterak's Megashield
+30% Attack Damage
+400 Health
Once per combat at 60% Health, gain 40% max Health and 60% Attack Damage.
Sunlight Cape
Sunlight Cape
+40 Armor
+300 Health
Gain 12% max Health.
Every 1.5 seconds, deal 2% Burn and 33% Wound to an enemy within 3 hexes for 30 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Burn: Deals a percent of the target's max Health as true damage every second
Wound: reduces healing received
The Baron's Gift
The Baron's Gift
+20 Attack Speed
+30% Ability Power
+200 Health
After casting an Ability, gain 120% Attack Speed for 8 seconds.
Titan's Vow
Titan's Vow
+30 Attack Speed
+35 Armor
Gain 3% Attack Damage and 3 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times.
At full stacks, gain 50 Armor and 50 Magic Resist.
Urf-Angel's Staff
Urf-Angel's Staff
+60% Ability Power
+15 Mana
Combat start: Gain 40 Ability Power every 4 seconds in combat.
Warmog's Pride
Warmog's Pride
+1000 Health
Gain 20% max health.
Heal 1.5% max Health per second.
+30 Attack Speed
+30% Ability Power
+150 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance
After damaging a Shield, gain 30% additional Damage Amp for 3 seconds.
Zenith Edge
Zenith Edge
+70% Attack Damage
+75% Critical Strike Chance
Abilities can critically strike.
If the holder's abilities can already critically strike, gain 10% Critical Strike Damage instead.


Anima Visage
Anima Visage
+20 Armor
+20 Magic Resist
+400 Health
Heal 3.5% max Health every second.
Blacksmith's Gloves
Blacksmith's Gloves
+200 Health
+30% Critical Strike Chance
Each round: Equip 2 random Ornn Artifacts.
[Consumes 3 item slots.]
Blighting Jewel
Blighting Jewel
+40% Ability Power
+15 Mana
Dealing magic damage reduces the target's Magic Resist by 4. If their Magic Resist is 0, grant the holder 5 Mana instead.
Death's Defiance
Death's Defiance
+10% Attack Damage
+25 Attack Speed
+30 Armor
50% of the damage the holder receives is instead dealt over 4 seconds as non-lethal damage.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Deathfire Grasp
Deathfire Grasp
+30% Ability Power
+15 Mana
Combat start: Blast the current target for 40% of their max Health as magic damage. Repeat this every 13 seconds.
+20% Attack Damage
+50 Attack Speed
Doubles the holder's attack range, and causes each of their attacks to target a random enemy.
Gambler's Blade
Gambler's Blade
+35 Attack Speed
+10% Ability Power
Grant Attack speed 1% bonus Attack Speed per Attack speed gold in your bank (up to Attack speed 30 gold).
Each attack has a 5% chance to drop Attack speed 1 gold.
Gold Collector
Gold Collector
+25% Attack Damage
+30% Critical Strike Chance
Attacks and Abilities execute enemies below 12% of their maximum Health. Executions have a 33% chance to drop Attack speed 1 gold.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Horizon Focus
Horizon Focus
+15 Mana
+20 Armor
+20 Magic Resist
+250 Health
Stunning an enemy causes lightning to strike them, dealing 30% of their max Health as magic damage.
+35 Armor
+35 Magic Resist
Combat Start: If there are no adjacent allies, gain 600 Health, 20% Attack Damage, and 20 Ability Power.
Infinity Force
Infinity Force
+25% Attack Damage
+25 Attack Speed
+25% Ability Power
+25 Mana
+25 Armor
+25 Magic Resist
+250 Health
Innervating Locket
Innervating Locket
+15 Mana
+150 Health
The holder gains 2% of their total Mana whenever they're hit by an attack.
Each cast restores 20% of the holder's max Health over 3 seconds.
Lich Bane
Lich Bane
+30 Attack Speed
+30% Ability Power
The holder's first attack after each Ability cast deals 200 / 270 / 340 / 410 / 480 bonus magic damage.
Damage increases based on Stage.
Lightshield Crest
Lightshield Crest
+55 Armor
+55 Magic Resist
Every 3 seconds, Shields the lowest percent Health ally for 70% of the holder's combined Armor and Magic Resist for 5 seconds.
On death grants this shield to all allies.
Luden's Tempest
Luden's Tempest
+45% Attack Damage
+45% Ability Power
100% of overkill damage plus 100 is dealt as magic damage to the three enemies nearest the target.
+15% Attack Damage
+15 Attack Speed
+10% Ability Power
+15 Mana
After casting the first time in combat, gain 120 Mana over 5 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
+60 Attack Speed
Shrinks the holder, granting them increased movement speed and immunity to Chill.
Chill: reduce Attack Speed
Mogul's Mail
Mogul's Mail
+100 Health
Grants 1 Armor, 1 Magic Resist, and 7 Health when taking damage, stacking up to 35 times.
At full stacks, grant Attack speed 1 gold and continue gaining Attack speed 1 gold every 8 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Prowler's Claw
Prowler's Claw
+40% Attack Damage
+200 Health
+50% Critical Strike Chance
After killing a target, shed negative effects and dash to the farthest target within 4 hexes. The next 2 critical attacks deal 60% bonus Critical Strike Damage.
Rapid Firecannon
Rapid Firecannon
+66 Attack Speed
Gain +1 Attack Range, increased by 1 whenever the holder kills an enemy.
Seeker's Armguard
Seeker's Armguard
+30% Ability Power
+30 Armor
+30 Magic Resist
Takedowns increase the holder's Armor, Magic Resist, and Ability Power by 15, increased to 20 if they score the kill.
Silvermere Dawn
Silvermere Dawn
+120% Attack Damage
+50 Armor
+50 Magic Resist
Grants immunity to Stuns and the holder's attacks Stun the target for 0.8 seconds.
<TFTShadowItemBonus>The holder's Attack Speed is locked at 0.5.</TFTShadowItemBonus>
Sniper's Focus
Sniper's Focus
+15% Attack Damage
+15 Attack Speed
+15% Ability Power
Gain Attack speed 2 Attack Range. Gain 9% Damage Amp against a target for each hex between the holder and the target.
Spectral Cutlass
Spectral Cutlass
+40% Attack Damage
+40 Armor
+40 Magic Resist
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Combat start: Teleport the holder to the mirrored hex on the enemy's side of the board. After 8 seconds, the holder returns to their original location.
Suspicious Trench Coat
Suspicious Trench Coat
+15 Attack Speed
+100 Health
Once per combat at 66% Health, the holder splits into 3 copies of themself each with 25% of their max Health.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Talisman Of Ascension
Talisman Of Ascension
+20% Attack Damage
+20% Ability Power
+300 Health
After 22 seconds gain 100% max Health and 120% Damage Amp for the rest of combat.
Trickster's Glass
Trickster's Glass
+10 Attack Speed
+10 Armor
+10 Magic Resist
+15% Critical Strike Chance
Summon a clone with 70% base Health and +10% max Mana. You cannot equip items to the clone.
The clone benefits from active traits
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Unending Despair
Unending Despair
+40 Armor
+350 Health
Whenever a Shield on the holder breaks, 150% of that Shield's initial value is dealt to the nearest enemy as magic damage.
Wit's End
Wit's End
+30 Attack Speed
+30 Magic Resist
Attacks deal 42/60/75/90/100 bonus magic damage.
Heals the holder for 35% of all magic damage dealt.
Damage increases based on Stage.
Zhonya's Paradox
Zhonya's Paradox
+40% Ability Power
+30 Armor
+30 Magic Resist
Once per combat at 40% Health, become invulnerable and untargetable for 3 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]


Accomplice's Gloves
Accomplice's Gloves
+150 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance
Each round: Equip 2 random Support items.
[Consumes 3 item slots.]
Aegis of the Legion
Aegis of the Legion
+150 Health
Combat start: Grant 25% Attack Speed and 15 Armor and Magic Resist to the holder, adjacent allies in the same row, and all allies behind them for 12 seconds.
​​[Support item]
Banshee's Veil
Banshee's Veil
+150 Health
Combat start: Grant the holder and allies within 1 hexes in the same row immunity to crowd control and 25% Attack Speed for 18 seconds.
[Support item] [Unique - only 1 per champion]
Chalice of Power
Chalice of Power
+150 Health
Combat start: Grant 25 Ability Power and 10 Mana to the holder and allies within 2 hexes in the same row.
​​[Support item]
Knight's Vow
Knight's Vow
+50 Health
Combat start: Grant 200 Health and 15% Omnivamp to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.
​​[Support item]
Locket of the Iron Solari
Locket of the Iron Solari
+150 Health
Combat start: The holder and allies within 2 hexes in the same row gain a 250 Shield, 20 Armor, and 20 Magic Resist for 20 seconds.
​​[Support item]
Moonstone Renewer
Moonstone Renewer
+150 Health
Every 4 seconds, grant a 55-325 Shield (based on Stage) to the 2 lowest percent health allies for 4 seconds.
​​[Support item]
Needlessly Big Gem
Needlessly Big Gem
+150 Health
Your team gains 5% Damage Amp. Each second the holder is alive, your team gains an additional 1% Damage Amp, up to a total of 20%.
​​[Support item]
Obsidian Cleaver
Obsidian Cleaver
+150 Health
Damage dealt 30% Shreds and 30% Sunders enemies for 15 seconds.
Your team gains 8% Attack Damage and 8 Ability Power.
​​[Support item] [Unique - only 1 per champion]
Shred: Reduce Magic Resist
Sunder: Reduce Armor
Randuin's Omen
Randuin's Omen
+150 Health
Combat start: Grant Attack speed 30 Armor and Attack speed 30 Magic Resistance to the holder and adjacent allies.
​​[Support item]
Shroud of Stillness
Shroud of Stillness
+150 Health
Combat start: Shoot a beam that 30% Mana Reaves enemies.
Your team gains 60 Health.
[Support item] [Unique - only 1 per champion]
Mana Reave: increase maximum Mana until the next cast
+150 Health
Combat start: The holder and all adjacent allies gain 15% Attack Damage and 20 Ability Power.
When the holder dies, Stun all enemies within 2-hexes for 2 seconds.
​​[Support item]
The Eternal Flame
The Eternal Flame
+150 Health
While the holder is alive, all enemies are 33% Wounded and all allies gain 8% Damage Amp. This effect refreshes every 5 seconds.
​​[Support item]
Wound: Reduces healing received
Unstable Treasure Chest
Unstable Treasure Chest
+150 Health
When the holder dies, the 4 highest percent health allies gain a temporary completed item.
​​[Support item]
Virtue of the Martyr
Virtue of the Martyr
+150 Health
Every 5 seconds, heal your team for 7% of their max Health. When the holder dies, the healing increases to 14% max Health for 2 extra heals.
​​[Support item]
Zeke's Herald
Zeke's Herald
+150 Health
Combat start: Grant Attack speed 30% Attack Speed to the holder and allies within 2 hexes in the same row.
​​[Support item]
+150 Health
Combat start: Summon a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for 5 seconds.
Your team gains 2% Attack Speed.
[Support item]
[Ignores crowd control immunity.]
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Zz'Rot Portal
Zz'Rot Portal
+150 Health
Summon a large Voidspawn. Its strength increases with each Stage.
​​[Support item]
[Unique - only 1 per champion]


Champion Duplicator
Champion Duplicator
Use on a champion to create a 1-star copy on your bench.
[Consumable - This item disappears when used.]
Chem-Baron Emblem
Chem-Baron Emblem
+150 Health
The holder gains the Chem-Baron trait.
Cursed Blade
Cursed Blade
+35 Attack Speed
+20 Magic Resist
Attacks reduce the target's max Health by 3%. 13 attacks on the same target reduces their star level by 1.
Destabilized Chemtank
Destabilized Chemtank
+15 Armor
+15 Magic Resist
+200 Health
At 50% Health, gain a 25% max Health Shield. Every 8 seconds afterwards, gain a 10% max Health Shield.
Recommended users: Renni and Singed
Destabilized Chemtank II
Destabilized Chemtank II
+25 Armor
+25 Magic Resist
+350 Health
At 50% Health, gain a 50% max Health Shield. Every 8 seconds afterwards, gain a 10% max Health Shield.
Recommended users: Renni and Singed
Diamond Hands
Diamond Hands
+25% Ability Power
+200 Health
Once per combat: At 50% Health, become invulnerable for 1.5 seconds and grant Attack speed 2 gold.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Diamond Hands
Diamond Hands
+25% Ability Power
+200 Health
Once per combat: At 50% Health, become invulnerable for 1.5 seconds and grant Attack speed 1 gold.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Dimensional Heirloom
Dimensional Heirloom
+5000 Health
Combat start: Creates a pocket Anomaly that summons powerful allies from across the Convergence every 4 seconds.
Executioner's Chainblade
Executioner's Chainblade
+25% Attack Damage
+10 Attack Speed
Attacks and Abilities execute enemies under 10% Health. On kill, gain 10% Durability and 10% Damage Amp for 5 seconds (refreshes on kills).
Recommended users: Smeech and Sevika
Executioner's Chainblade II
Executioner's Chainblade II
+40% Attack Damage
+15 Attack Speed
Attacks and Abilities execute enemies under 15% Health. On kill, gain 15% Durability and 15% Damage Amp for 5 seconds (refreshes on kills).
Recommended users: Smeech and Sevika
Finishing Touch!
Finishing Touch!
Your mech is complete! Rumble permanently gains 25 Ability Power and 300 Health.
Flamethrower: Constantly deal 30% / 45% / 600% Attack speed magic damage in a cone.
Flesh Ripper
Flesh Ripper
+15% Attack Damage
+20% Critical Strike Chance
After dropping below 40% Health, become briefly untargetable, restore 25% max Health, and gain 10% Attack Damage and 10% Omnivamp.
Recommended users: Smeech and Sevika
Flesh Ripper II
Flesh Ripper II
+25% Attack Damage
+35% Critical Strike Chance
After dropping below 40% Health, become briefly untargetable, restore 40% max Health, and gain 20% Attack Damage and 15% Omnivamp.
Recommended users: Smeech and Sevika
Gambler's Blade
Gambler's Blade
+15 Attack Speed
+10% Ability Power
Grant Attack speed 3% bonus Attack Speed per Attack speed gold in your bank (up to Attack speed 15 gold).
Each attack has a 10% chance to drop Attack speed 1 gold.
Golden Item Remover
Golden Item Remover
Use on a champion to unequip all items as many times as you want. Converts all future Magnetic Removers to Reforgers.
Junkyard Titan!
Junkyard Titan!
Junkyard Titan!: Unlock all other upgrades! Gain 90% Durability.
Lesser Shimmer Duplicator
Lesser Shimmer Duplicator
Use on a 3 cost or lower Chem-Baron to create a 1-star copy of them.
[Consumable - This item disappears when used.]
Loaded Dice
Loaded Dice
Use on a champion to reroll a special Shop that contains only champions sharing a Trait with the source champion.
[Consumable - This item disappears when used.]
Magnetic Remover
Magnetic Remover
Use on a champion to unequip all items.
[Cannot be used on champions in combat.]
[Consumable - This item disappears when used.]
Masterwork Upgrade
Masterwork Upgrade
Use on a unit to open an armory containing Radiant versions of that unit's craftable completed items. Upgrade the item you choose to its Radiant equivalent, and unequip it.
Miniature Champion
Miniature Champion
Gain 0 Attack speed Ability Power, 0 Attack speed Attack Damage, 0 Attack speed Armor, and 0 Attack speed Magic Resist.
Original Champion: TFT13_JunkerKing_Blank
Mogul's Mail
Mogul's Mail
+100 Health
Grants 1 Armor, 1 Magic Resist, and 7 Health when taking damage, stacking up to 35 times.
At full stacks, grant Attack speed 3 gold and continue gaining Attack speed 1 gold every 8 seconds.
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Needlessly Big Gem
Needlessly Big Gem
+250 Health
Your team gains 25% Damage Amp. Each second the holder is alive, your team gains an additional 0% Damage Amp, up to a total of 0%.
​​[Support item]
Perfected Destabilized Chemtank
Perfected Destabilized Chemtank
+30 Armor
+30 Magic Resist
+700 Health
At 50% Health, gain a 60% max Health Shield. Every 4 seconds afterwards, gain a 20% max Health Shield.
<scaleShimmer>Perfected Bonus:</scaleShimmer> After gaining Shield, fire a vial of chemicals at 3 nearby enemies that deals 15% max Health magic damage.
Recommended users: Renni and Singed
Perfected Executioner's Chainblade
Perfected Executioner's Chainblade
+50% Attack Damage
+30 Attack Speed
Attacks and Abilities execute enemies under 20% Health. On kill, gain 15% Durability and 15% Damage Amp for 10 seconds (refreshes on kills).
<scaleShimmer>Perfected Bonus:</scaleShimmer> Executes drop 3 Gold and heals the holder for 400.
Recommended users: Smeech and Sevika
Perfected Flesh Ripper
Perfected Flesh Ripper
+60% Attack Damage
+60% Critical Strike Chance
After dropping below 40% Health, become briefly Untargetable, restore 100% max Health, and gain 60% Attack Damage and 25% Omnivamp.
<scaleShimmer>Perfected Bonus:</scaleShimmer> Upon dying for the first time, revive with 100% max Health!
Recommended users: Smeech and Sevika
Perfected Piltoven Hexarmor
Perfected Piltoven Hexarmor
+50 Armor
+50 Magic Resist
+300 Health
Gain 5 Armor and Magic Resist when taking damage, stacking up to 15 times.
<scaleShimmer>Perfected Bonus:</scaleShimmer> At max stacks, deal 50% Attack speedAttack speed as true damage to enemies in a 4-hex radius after being attacked. (Cooldown: 3 seconds)
Recommended users: Renni and Singed
Perfected Shimmer
Perfected Shimmer
Use on a Chem-Baron to restore 6 player health.
[Consumable - This item disappears when used.]
Perfected Shimmer Bloom
Perfected Shimmer Bloom
+60% Ability Power
+450 Health
Increase healing and shielding by 40%. Every 6 seconds, gain 400 Shield for 10 seconds and grant the same Shield to the 3 lowest Health allies.
<scaleShimmer>Perfected Bonus:</scaleShimmer> Shielding or healing allies grants them 25 Ability Power and 25% Attack Speed. (Cooldown: 2s)
Recommended users: Renni and Renata Glasc
Perfected Unleashed Toxins
Perfected Unleashed Toxins
+30% Ability Power
+30 Mana
Attacks grant 10 bonus Mana. After casting, launch 4 missiles at the current target that deal 250 magic damage.
<scaleShimmer>Perfected Bonus:</scaleShimmer> Casts also launch a wave of toxins that deals 150 magic damage.
Recommended users: Silco and Renata Glasc
Perfected Virulent Virus
Perfected Virulent Virus
+45 Attack Speed
+40% Ability Power
After dealing ability damage, enemies affected take an extra 25% damage over 3 seconds as true damage.
<scaleShimmer>Perfected Bonus:</scaleShimmer> Infected enemies deal 15% less damage. When they die, they join your side with 800 Health that decays over 8 seconds.
Recommended users: Silco and Renata Glasc
Perfected Voltaic Saber
Perfected Voltaic Saber
+45% Attack Damage
+45% Ability Power
After every 6 instances of damage, send jolts towards the 3 lowest health enemies, dealing 300 physical damage.
<scaleShimmer>Perfected Bonus:</scaleShimmer> Every time the holder fires bolts, they gain 20% Attack Speed.
Recommended users: Sevika and Smeech
Petricite Rod
Petricite Rod
Petricite Rod: Every 5 seconds, fire a blast at the furthest enemy within 4 hexes that deals 350% / 525% / 6000% Attack speed magic damage over 15 seconds.
Piltoven Hexarmor
Piltoven Hexarmor
+25 Armor
+25 Magic Resist
+100 Health
Gain 3 Armor and Magic Resist when taking damage, stacking up to 15 times.
At max stacks, deal 50% Attack speedAttack speed as magic damage to enemies in a 1-hex radius after being attacked. (Cooldown: 2 seconds)
Recommended users: Renni and Singed
Piltoven Hexarmor II
Piltoven Hexarmor II
+40 Armor
+40 Magic Resist
+175 Health
Gain 5 Armor and Magic Resist when taking damage, stacking up to 15 times.
At max stacks, deal 75% Attack speedAttack speed as magic damage to enemies in a 1-hex radius after being attacked. (Cooldown: 2 seconds)
Recommended users: Renni and Singed
Portable Anomaly
Portable Anomaly
+25% Attack Damage
+30% Ability Power
+350 Health
The holder gains your Anomaly evolution.
Unequip all items and randomly transform them into new ones of a similar type and quality.
[Consumable - This item disappears when used.]
Repairing Microbots
Repairing Microbots
Repairing Microbots: Every 3 seconds, restore 6% / 6% / 25% max Attack speed.
Salvaged Contraption
Salvaged Contraption
+10 Armor
+10 Magic Resist
+200 Health
Reduce all incoming damage by 10.
Recommended users: Renni and Singed
Salvaged Gauntlet
Salvaged Gauntlet
+25% Attack Damage
+10 Attack Speed
Attacks deal an additional 15 true damage.
Recommended users: Smeech and Sevika
Salvaged Revolver
Salvaged Revolver
+20% Ability Power
+15 Mana
Gain 10 Ability Power every 5 seconds.
Recommended users: Silco and Renata Glasc
Self Destruct Button
Self Destruct Button
Self Destruct Button: Increase Armor and Magic Resist by 25%. On death, deal 160% / 240% / 2000% Attack speedAttack speed as magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes.
Shimmer Bloom
Shimmer Bloom
+20% Ability Power
+150 Health
Increase healing and shielding by 20%. Every 8 seconds, gain 300 Shield for 10 seconds and grant the same Shield to the 2 lowest Health allies.
Recommended users: Renni and Renata Glasc
Shimmer Bloom II
Shimmer Bloom II
+35% Ability Power
+250 Health
Increase healing and shielding by 35%. Every 8 seconds, gain 525 Shield for 10 seconds and grant the same Shield to the 2 lowest Health allies.
Recommended users: Renni and Renata Glasc
Shimmer Duplicator
Shimmer Duplicator
Use on a Chem-Baron to create a 1-star copy of them.
[Consumable - This item disappears when used.]
Spare Parts!
Spare Parts!
Keep your gold! Rumble permanently gains 3 Ability Power and 50 Health.
Tankbuster: Every 3 seconds, deal 120% / 180% / 1600% Attack speed as true damage to the enemy with the most Armor and Magic Resist.
Unleashed Toxins
Unleashed Toxins
+15% Ability Power
+10 Mana
Attacks grant 5 bonus Mana. After casting, launch 3 missiles at the current target that deal 100 magic damage.
Recommended users: Silco and Renata Glasc
Unleashed Toxins II
Unleashed Toxins II
+25% Ability Power
+15 Mana
Attacks grant 5 bonus Mana. After casting, launch 3 missiles at the current target that deal 175 magic damage.
Recommended users: Silco and Renata Glasc
Virulent Virus
Virulent Virus
+15 Attack Speed
+25% Ability Power
After dealing ability damage, enemies affected take an extra 15% damage over 3 seconds as true damage.
Recommended users: Silco and Renata Glasc
Virulent Virus II
Virulent Virus II
+25 Attack Speed
+40% Ability Power
After dealing ability damage, enemies affected take an extra 25% damage over 3 seconds as true damage.
Recommended users: Silco and Renata Glasc
Voltaic Saber
Voltaic Saber
+15% Attack Damage
+15% Ability Power
After every 6 instances of damage, send jolts towards the 2 lowest health enemies, dealing 150 physical damage.
Recommended users: Sevika and Smeech
Voltaic Saber II
Voltaic Saber II
+25% Attack Damage
+25% Ability Power
After every 6 instances of damage, send jolts towards the 2 lowest health enemies, dealing 250 physical damage.
Recommended users: Sevika and Smeech
Team CompositionsUnits StatsTraits StatsItems StatsExplorerRanked LeaderboardsDouble Up LeaderboardsHyperroll LeaderboardsUnit LeaderboardsUnits InfoTraits InfoItems InfoAugments InfoPortals InfoSynergy GridAmumuAmumuDariusDariusDravenDravenIreliaIreliaLuxLuxMaddieMaddieMorganaMorganaPowderPowderSingedSingedStebStebTrundleTrundleVexVexVioletVioletZyraZyraAkaliAkaliCamilleCamilleLeonaLeonaNocturneNocturneRellRellRenata GlascRenata GlascSettSettTristanaTristanaUrgotUrgotVanderVanderVladimirVladimirZeriZeriZiggsZiggsBlitzcrankBlitzcrankCassiopeiaCassiopeiaEzrealEzrealGangplankGangplankKog'MawKog'MawLorisLorisNamiNamiNunu & WillumpNunu & WillumpRenniRenniScarScarSmeechSmeechSwainSwainTwisted FateTwisted FateAmbessaAmbessaCorkiCorkiDr. MundoDr. MundoEkkoEkkoEliseEliseGarenGarenHeimerdingerHeimerdingerIllaoiIllaoiSilcoSilcoTwitchTwitchViViZoeZoeCaitlynCaitlynJayceJayceJinxJinxLeBlancLeBlancMalzaharMalzaharMordekaiserMordekaiserRumbleRumbleSevikaSevikaMelMelViktorViktorWarwickWarwickMachine HeraldMachine HeraldWatcherWatcherQuickstrikerQuickstrikerAmbusherAmbusherSorcererSorcererReunionReunionConquerorConquerorFamilyFamilyAutomataAutomataUnlikely DuoUnlikely DuoDominatorDominatorBlood HunterBlood HunterBetrayalBetrayalBlack RoseBlack RoseChem-BaronChem-BaronExperimentExperimentMartial LawMartial LawVisionaryVisionaryBanished MageBanished MageGeniusesGeniusesJunker KingJunker KingRebelRebelScrapScrapSistersSistersEnforcerEnforcerHigh RollerHigh RollerWhat Could Have BeenWhat Could Have BeenSniperSniperPit FighterPit FighterArtilleristArtilleristMenacesMenacesAcademyAcademyForm SwapperForm SwapperEmissaryEmissaryFirelightFirelightSentinelSentinelBruiserBruiserRabadon's DeathcapRabadon's DeathcapDestabilized Chemtank IIDestabilized Chemtank IIShimmer Bloom IIShimmer Bloom IIVoltaic SaberVoltaic SaberPerfected Destabilized ChemtankPerfected Destabilized ChemtankFlesh RipperFlesh RipperVoltaic Saber IIVoltaic Saber IIPiltoven HexarmorPiltoven HexarmorPerfected Executioner's ChainbladePerfected Executioner's ChainbladePerfected Piltoven HexarmorPerfected Piltoven HexarmorUnleashed Toxins IIUnleashed Toxins IIPerfected Voltaic SaberPerfected Voltaic SaberFlesh Ripper IIFlesh Ripper IIUnleashed ToxinsUnleashed ToxinsShimmer BloomShimmer BloomPiltoven Hexarmor IIPiltoven Hexarmor IIExecutioner's Chainblade IIExecutioner's Chainblade IIVirulent VirusVirulent VirusDimensional HeirloomDimensional HeirloomExecutioner's ChainbladeExecutioner's ChainbladePerfected Flesh RipperPerfected Flesh RipperLesser Shimmer DuplicatorLesser Shimmer DuplicatorPerfected Virulent VirusPerfected Virulent VirusSalvaged ContraptionSalvaged ContraptionPerfected Unleashed ToxinsPerfected Unleashed ToxinsDestabilized ChemtankDestabilized ChemtankShimmer DuplicatorShimmer DuplicatorPerfected ShimmerPerfected ShimmerSalvaged GauntletSalvaged GauntletPerfected Shimmer BloomPerfected Shimmer BloomVirulent Virus IIVirulent Virus IISalvaged RevolverSalvaged RevolverInfinity EdgeInfinity EdgeDragon's WillDragon's WillWillbreakerWillbreakerCovalent SparkCovalent SparkQuickestsilverQuickestsilverHextech LifebladeHextech LifebladeStatikk's FavorStatikk's FavorBulwark's OathBulwark's OathBlue BlessingBlue BlessingUrf-Angel's StaffUrf-Angel's StaffMore More-ellonomiconMore More-ellonomiconRosethorn VestRosethorn VestZz'Rot PortalZz'Rot PortalRunaan's TempestRunaan's TempestGuinsoo's ReckoningGuinsoo's ReckoningFist of FairnessFist of FairnessSunlight CapeSunlight CapeEternal WhisperEternal WhisperRascal's GlovesRascal's GlovesWarmog's PrideWarmog's PrideSterak's MegashieldSterak's MegashieldAbsolutionAbsolutionBrink of DawnBrink of DawnCrest of CindersCrest of CindersLegacy of the ColossusLegacy of the ColossusTitan's VowTitan's VowDemonslayerDemonslayerRoyal CrownshieldRoyal CrownshieldBlessed BloodthirsterBlessed BloodthirsterRabadon's Ascended DeathcapRabadon's Ascended DeathcapGlamorous GauntletGlamorous GauntletDvarapala StoneplateDvarapala StoneplateThe Baron's GiftThe Baron's GiftSpear of HiranaSpear of HiranaEquinoxEquinoxZenith EdgeZenith EdgeLuminous DeathbladeLuminous DeathbladeJak'sho the ProteanJak'sho the ProteanInnervating LocketInnervating LocketProtector's VowProtector's VowHullcrusherHullcrusherShroud of StillnessShroud of StillnessRedemptionRedemptionBanshee's VeilBanshee's VeilZephyrZephyrFinishing Touch!Finishing Touch!Petricite RodPetricite RodSelf Destruct ButtonSelf Destruct ButtonJunkyard Titan!Junkyard Titan!FlamethrowerFlamethrowerSpare Parts!Spare Parts!Repairing MicrobotsRepairing MicrobotsTankbusterTankbusterManazaneManazaneMogul's MailMogul's MailMogul's MailMogul's MailGambler's BladeGambler's BladeNeedlessly Big GemNeedlessly Big GemDiamond HandsDiamond HandsGambler's BladeGambler's BladeNeedlessly Big GemNeedlessly Big GemDiamond HandsDiamond HandsTrickster's GlassTrickster's GlassTactician's CapeTactician's CapeReforgerReforgerZeke's HeraldZeke's HeraldThief's GlovesThief's GlovesGuinsoo's RagebladeGuinsoo's RagebladeIonic SparkIonic SparkSterak's GageSterak's GageDragon's ClawDragon's ClawAmbusher EmblemAmbusher EmblemRebel EmblemRebel EmblemEnforcer EmblemEnforcer EmblemSorcerer EmblemSorcerer EmblemAcademy EmblemAcademy EmblemBlack Rose EmblemBlack Rose EmblemExperiment EmblemExperiment EmblemBruiser EmblemBruiser EmblemAutomata EmblemAutomata EmblemArtillerist EmblemArtillerist EmblemDominator EmblemDominator EmblemChem-Baron EmblemChem-Baron EmblemScrap EmblemScrap EmblemFirelight EmblemFirelight EmblemConqueror EmblemConqueror EmblemQuickstriker EmblemQuickstriker EmblemSentinel EmblemSentinel EmblemSniper EmblemSniper EmblemPit Fighter EmblemPit Fighter EmblemVisionary EmblemVisionary EmblemFamily EmblemFamily EmblemWatcher EmblemWatcher EmblemMagnetic RemoverMagnetic RemoverLich BaneLich BaneGuardbreakerGuardbreakerMiniature ChampionMiniature ChampionChampion DuplicatorChampion DuplicatorFishbonesFishbonesAnima VisageAnima VisageGargoyle StoneplateGargoyle StoneplateBramble VestBramble VestChain VestChain VestUnending DespairUnending DespairRecurve BowRecurve BowGiant SlayerGiant SlayerObsidian CleaverObsidian CleaverSunfire CapeSunfire CapeVirtue of the MartyrVirtue of the MartyrHand Of JusticeHand Of JusticeEdge of NightEdge of NightTear of the GoddessTear of the GoddessCursed BladeCursed BladeZhonya's ParadoxZhonya's ParadoxNegatron CloakNegatron CloakTitan's ResolveTitan's ResolveKnight's VowKnight's VowMasterwork UpgradeMasterwork UpgradeLuden's TempestLuden's TempestSpectral CutlassSpectral CutlassRunaan's HurricaneRunaan's HurricaneSparring GlovesSparring GlovesRapid FirecannonRapid FirecannonGolden Item RemoverGolden Item RemoverBloodthirsterBloodthirsterSniper's FocusSniper's FocusUnstable Treasure ChestUnstable Treasure ChestArchangel's StaffArchangel's StaffThe Eternal FlameThe Eternal FlameLightshield CrestLightshield CrestDeath's DefianceDeath's DefianceSpear of ShojinSpear of ShojinEvenshroudEvenshroudSpatulaSpatulaBlacksmith's GlovesBlacksmith's GlovesBlighting JewelBlighting JewelTalisman Of AscensionTalisman Of AscensionInfinity ForceInfinity ForceLocket of the Iron SolariLocket of the Iron SolariNashor's ToothNashor's ToothSuspicious Trench CoatSuspicious Trench CoatMorellonomiconMorellonomiconRed BuffRed BuffCrownguardCrownguardB.F. SwordB.F. SwordMittensMittensAdaptive HelmAdaptive HelmLoaded DiceLoaded DiceDeathfire GraspDeathfire GraspSpiteSpiteBlue BuffBlue BuffPortable AnomalyPortable AnomalyLast WhisperLast WhisperJeweled GauntletJeweled GauntletGiant's BeltGiant's BeltWit's EndWit's EndNeedlessly Large RodNeedlessly Large RodHorizon FocusHorizon FocusRanduin's OmenRanduin's OmenSteadfast HeartSteadfast HeartProwler's ClawProwler's ClawMoonstone RenewerMoonstone RenewerFrying PanFrying PanTactician's CrownTactician's CrownAegis of the LegionAegis of the LegionQuicksilverQuicksilverDeathbladeDeathbladeChalice of PowerChalice of PowerSilvermere DawnSilvermere DawnTactician's ShieldTactician's ShieldAccomplice's GlovesAccomplice's GlovesWarmog's ArmorWarmog's ArmorSeeker's ArmguardSeeker's ArmguardStatikk ShivStatikk ShivGold CollectorGold CollectorHextech GunbladeHextech GunbladeEUW Ranked LeaderboardsEUW Double Up LeaderboardsEUW Hyperroll LeaderboardsEUNE Ranked LeaderboardsEUNE Double Up LeaderboardsEUNE Hyperroll LeaderboardsNA Ranked LeaderboardsNA Double Up LeaderboardsNA Hyperroll LeaderboardsLAN Ranked LeaderboardsLAN Double Up LeaderboardsLAN Hyperroll LeaderboardsLAS Ranked LeaderboardsLAS Double Up LeaderboardsLAS Hyperroll LeaderboardsOCE Ranked LeaderboardsOCE Double Up LeaderboardsOCE Hyperroll LeaderboardsTR Ranked LeaderboardsTR Double Up LeaderboardsTR Hyperroll LeaderboardsRU Ranked LeaderboardsRU Double Up LeaderboardsRU Hyperroll LeaderboardsKR Ranked LeaderboardsKR Double Up LeaderboardsKR Hyperroll LeaderboardsJP Ranked LeaderboardsJP Double Up LeaderboardsJP Hyperroll LeaderboardsBR Ranked LeaderboardsBR Double Up LeaderboardsBR Hyperroll LeaderboardsSEA Ranked LeaderboardsSEA Double Up LeaderboardsSEA Hyperroll LeaderboardsTW Ranked LeaderboardsTW Double Up LeaderboardsTW Hyperroll LeaderboardsVN Ranked LeaderboardsVN Double Up LeaderboardsVN Hyperroll LeaderboardsME Ranked LeaderboardsME Double Up LeaderboardsME Hyperroll Leaderboards
Terms and blah blah